Supply Chain

Supplier Performance
At AMT, we value our supply chain and rely on their performance and contribution to product safety and conformity to help meet our customers’ demands. For continued partnership and success we require the following Supplier Documents be adhered to. Please note these documents may be changed from time to time. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure they are working to the latest revisions provided in the link below.
For questions regarding supplier quality, Net-Inspect or FAIs, please contact Alta Oien at
Supplier Documents
37401 Supplier Delegated Inspection Program (SDIP) .pdf
37401 Supplier Delegated Inspection Program (SDIP) .pdf

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
For your convenience, a download link to a full copy of our Code of Conduct, in PDF form, can be found at the bottom of this page.
Senior Aerospace AMT is committed to our Code of Conduct Policy. The code applies to Senior plc and all of its subsidiaryoperations and associate entities. All employees of the Group are required to follow the principals in the Code of Conduct. It is further our intent that our suppliers, vendors and all those we partner with commit to practices of this policy.
Our group vision is to be a trusted and collaborative high value-added engineering and manufacturing company producing sustainable growth in operating profit, cash flow and shareholder value.
Senior complies with all applicable laws in the countries where we operate. We will not enter into discussions or agreements, formal or informal, with competitor are which undermine fair competition. We comply with all import and export laws in regulations when transferring goods services and/or technology within your country and across international boundaries taking advice as necessary.
As you review this excerpt and read the policy in its entirety we comply with this Code of Conduct and working with our company means that you agree to adhere to not only our Code of Conduct but our Senior Procedures and Policies.
Conflicts of Interest: We avoid any relationship, influence or activity that may impair our ability to make fair and objective decisions when performing our jobs. Conflicts of interest arise if we or members of our families have personal business commitments, financial interest or other jobs which do or might conflict with Senior’s business and we find ourselves compromised.
We may not perform any outside work as an employee, director, consultant or other relationship where this may interfere with our ability to perform the duties for which we are contracted to Senior or which diverts business away from Senior.
Insider Dealing: We keep all inside information confidential within Senior and use it only as necessary to perform our role. We do not engage in, encourage, or facilitate insider dealing. We will not use any non-public information about our business or other companies for buying or selling shares, other securities or financial instrument for our own benefit or enable anyone else to use it.
Anti-Bribery-Corruption: Senior has a zero tolerance policy for bribery and corruption. WE do not offer, pay, solicit or accept bribes, kickbacks, facilitation payments or other advantage in any form, either directly or indirectly. We will not participate in any kind of corrupt activity directly or through third parties. In particular, subcontracts, purchase orders or agency or consultancy agreements must not be used as a means of channeling payments to any third party.
Gifts and Hospitality: Gifts and hospitality will only be given or received if they are reasonable. They should be for business purposes, infrequent, proportionate and not material. We never accept or offer gifts or hospitality where they could, or may appear to, influence a business decision.
Such hospitality or expenditure should be reasonable and proportionate, must not exceed reasonable local practices, must be permissible under all applicable laws and must not knowingly breach any internal policies which apply to the give or receiver.
Working with our Customers, Suppliers and Partners: Senior treats it customer and suppliers and fairness and integrity. We do not seek to gain unfair advantage through the use of unfair dealing practice.
We respect the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information provided to us and we only use it for legitimate business purposes.
We conduct due diligence on new customers and suppliers. We select those that have the same commitment to ethical business conduct as ourselves.
Internal Trade Compliance: Senior will conduct its business in full accordance with all legal requirements and relevant sanctions for the import and export of goods and services in the countries within which we operate.
Competition and Anti-Trust Law: We conduct business in an honest and straightforward way.
We comply with competition and anti-trust laws in the countries where we operate. We will not enter into discussions or agreement, formal or informal, with competitors which undermine fair competition.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: We treat everyone fairly, equally and value diversity.
We will not make employment decisions on the basis of anything that does not have a direct bearing on the ability of the individual to perform the job.
We value diversity and promote equal opportunities for all employees in a workplace free from unlawful discrimination.
We are open, honest and courteous in our working relationships. We value individual differences and believe that active inclusion of all strengthens Senior.
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying: We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying against any of our employees or others we work with and treat each other with mutual respect.
This includes but is not limited to demeaning, insulting, embarrassing, sexual or intimidating behavior directed to any employee or others we work with related to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, age, pregnancy, religion, veteran status, national origin or any other legally protected status.
Human Rights: We respect the Human Rights of all those working for or with us. We will not exploit anyone, where in the world we are working. We will not do business with companies, organizations or individuals who we believe do not work to the same standards as ourselves.
Health, Safety and Environment: We seek to create a safe and healthy work environment, free from accidents, work-related ill health and environmental incidents. The Group is committed to maintaining the highest practicable standards of health, safety and environmental (HS&E) management and to continuously seek to improve these standards to international best practice levels.
Working in our Communities: The Senior plc Group operated in 14 countries across the world. We respect the communities within which we operate and strive to make a positive impact by running our operations responsibly and investing in local initiatives as appropriate.
We encourage community investment and activities and charitable giving which help us to recruit, retrain and develop our people whilst demonstrating good corporate citizenship.
We do not make political donations or contributions.
Personal and Confidential Information: We safeguard confidential and trade information belonging to the Group.
We treat information safely that is disclosed to us under obligation or implied obligation of confidentiality. This includes employee information, financial information, strategies or plans which are not in the public domain, product, technical, customer information and intellectual property.
Use of Company Systems, Property and Assets: We take personal responsibility for the proper use of our business property, including materials, facilities, equipment and IT systems. We take similar care with the assets of our customers and other third parties.
Our technologies, intellectual property and commercially sensitive information are vital assets to the business and we protect them from unauthorized use and disclosure.
Accuracy and Integrity in Business Records: We maintain accurate and complete financial and other business records, complying with legal and accounting requirements.
We prepare financial statements in a timely manner representing the facts accurately and completely.
We require relevant employees to record their time accurately.
We maintain a rigorous system of financial, operations and compliance controls and an effective system of risk management.
We seek to prevent and detect fraud through our system of internal controls and internal and external audit.